
The history of Burg Güssing

Built as a fortification in 1157, the oldest castle in the state of Burgenland towers majestically atop a long-extinct volcanic cone. After changing hands several times, it came into the possession of the Battyány dynasty in 1524. It was expanded in the 16th and 17th centuries and turned into a brick-walled fortress to defend against dangers from the east. After losing its strategic importance, the castle was left to fall into disrepair in the 18th century, as the “roof tax” in force at the time made maintenance prohibitively expensive. It has been owned by a foundation since 1870. The castle has undergone extensive restoration work and now shines as it did 200 years ago.

Visit www.battyany.at for more information about the Batthyány dynasty, the museum and the castle.